Nourish Your Recovery

Wellness Wednesday Women’s Group

Hey there, Sister. 

I know you are committed to becoming the best version of yourself.

I also know that you care about what you put in your body, 

how you feel


how you look. 

I know because I am a sister in recovery, too.

These things are important to us.

And for a long time,

I didn't know the food I was eating was not supportive to

the physical & mental health of my recovering body.

Or that what I ate even really mattered.

I had thoughts like...

Well, I'm vegetarian or keto or (fill in the blank)

so I must be eating healthy!


as long as I don’t go over a certain amount of points or calories,

it's all good, 



Far from it.


And what does food have to do with your mood, headaches, cravings,


(insert your main complaint here


It turns out…quite a lot. 

Who knew??

I accidentally learned a few things about nutrition & lifestyle on my journey that completely changed my life. 


I set off to learn a few more things from some brilliant mentors and teachers. 

I am still learning.

And I want to share all these things with you on


Wellness Wednesdays are

1 part education + 1 part group participation

in an intimate, supportive, and judgment-free zone. 

It's about gathering together, learning & sharing ways to 

nourish our physical and mental health in recovery.

We'll be talking about 

nutrition 101


habits, mindset & lifestyle.

I’ll be sharing the key things I’ve learned about nutrition & honoring our body that

have the power to radically impact your physical and mental health.

I'll show you how to connect the dots between what you are eating 

and how you are feeling.

What it really means to eat “healthy”.

And by the way…

there is a big difference between what's "right" and what's right for you.

I'll share tips on how to squash cravings for sugar,

shed light on the food mood connections,



and so much more!


Each meet-up is different

so bring your kindness, curiosity & questions.

This is the guidance I wish I had had when I first got sober.

This is the information I wish I knew to look for when I was struggling hard

with depression, anxiety & binge eating, in long-term sobriety.

These are the things I wish I knew. 

But I didn’t know what I didn’t know. 

And so 

I want you to know. 

Just so you know.

You know?...

just in case.


If you are curious about how to recover your nutrition

so you can feel good in your body again,

come join me on this never-ending journey of

self-love, self-care, and recovery. 

Let's continue to learn from each other 

and enrich each other's lives.

3rd Wednesday of the month

Live on Zoom

1:00-2:00 PM Central

This is an interactive show-up with your camera on messy hair don’t care event.

Come as you are in all your glory and be ready to participate.

It's a group thing!

Have a topic you want to talk about?

Fill out the survey here.

If this resonates and you are ready to

Nourish Your Recovery

Come join us! 

Have questions or wondering if this is right for you?

You can contact me anytime here.

I'd love to hear from you. 

Hope to see you there!

Your host & sister in recovery,


Danee Bousaid

My name is Danee.

I'm all about supporting women in recovery from addiction 
to support their physical and mental health
through self-compassion, healthy habits & holistic nutrition
so they can feel good in a body they love again.  

I know what it's like to feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired
in new sobriety and long-term sobriety
even though I was doing "all the right things". 

I found solutions and many vital missing pieces of my recovery program and 
I love helping women who are struggling to experience the same freedom.

Wellness Wednesday is my love project.

I'm on a mission to support as many sisters as I can on their recovery journey.

Contact me anytime.  I'd love to connect with you.